Friday, February 13, 2009

We are Home

I'm so sorry its taken me so long to write, a Big Thank you to my dear friend Paulette. WOW what a January, The last 3 weeks have been lots of tears and laughter mixed with a multitude of emotion I wish I could put into words our Joy and love we all have for this little miracle that God has blessed us with. On our 1st night we arrived to Addis Abbaba at about 9:00 and when we got to the House of Hope the orphanage or transitional house, after about 36 hours of travel we thought we would sleep that night and get to see Olivia in the morning. But much to our surprise as we were carrying our bags to our room they brought her to us!!! ( No pics. or video) the first night there were tears but Daddy held her and off to sleep she went that night laying in bed with her feeling the weight of her on my body and smelling her breath was a dream come true. Day 2; She was very confused and zombie like but a couple times this day we got some smiles and a little laugh. Over all our time there was wonderful we fell in love with the people and enjoyed every moment we were there we did have to leave a couple days early due to the fact that she was not responding well to us, it made it hard, because we were staying at the orphanage and she saw her Nanny's and Friends everyday and was very confused at who we were and why she couldn't have her Nanny's who she loved. The highlight of our trip was all the kids in the orphanage. The day we went to her original orphanage and got the honor of meeting her mother was an unforgettable time mixed with sadness and joy. Seeing her heritage and the little village where she was from was hard seeing what her life would have been like. We were sad to leave but we couldn't wait to get home and truly began bonding with her.Once we got home love was in the air Olivia instantly loved her brothers, there is such a strong bond between her and Cody it is very special. We have been home now 13 days and each one is better and better, we have had lots and lots of firsts, bath, eating ice or ice cream, Starbucks (hee hee ) car seat, she gets car sick so we need prayer there, lots of meeting family and Friends, haircut, overall we are doing GREAT!!!! We have felt Gods presence over the last 3 weeks like never before we are so grateful for all your support and prayers as we walk this journey.

Check out some new pictures posted below.

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