Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Editors Note

Urgent Prayer Request:

Shaunda called (from Ethiopia) this morning asking for the church to pray for them and especially Olivia. The baby is terrified of her new Mom and Dad. She refuses to be comforted or loved by Craig & Shaunda. The nannies are trying to get her to sleep at this time. The orphanage has suggested that the Johnsons change their tickets and leave asap with Olivia.

Update: Craig and Shaunda's flight landed 30 minutes early and the orphanage had Olivia waiting at the door for them. She has been with them since they got there, she is theirs. Through many tears and laughter God is answering prayers. Olivia fell asleep on Craig's chest which made him so happy as you can imagine. Please continue to pray for bonding as their time is short before the journey home. Olivia can say "banana" and Craig and Shaunda say that she is more beautiful than the pictures show. Grammie is so proud and excited and said that Olivia will be just fine because she is a Johnson, and Johnson's are tough.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Are we dreaming?

Cody Loving on Baby Zoe
(Getting ready for his little sister)

Gabe and Chandler sledding!!!
What a fun week I took the wise advise of a dear Friend and made the choice to just enjoy this week and not get all stressed out over the Little things that didn't get done, instead I went to a surprise party for a special friend and to lunch with a close Friend that I haven't seen in a while for a much needed visit, went to Youth group with the boys and my woman's bible study and oh ya got my hair done. As this week passed I have felt so loved by so many who have help me so much. I praise God this week for all the wonderful family and faithful Friends who have walked this adoption journey for 2 years with us now. I Praise God for my loving parents who are so helpful in every way they can, and so Many special Friends who bless me in soooo Many ways from buying poprocks (candy) for the kids in addis, helping finish our basement, helping me put the finishing touches on Olivia's room, lots of helpful travel advice, borrowing $ belts and purses and even buying special hair care products for the Baby. Knowing that others care about what you care about is so special and having people to help us along the way has meant more than words can say. As we say Good bye to our family of 5 and look forward with excitement to the unknown adventure God has for us.

The new PINK room

Olivias room

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Finishing touches

we are buzzing with exsitement as we get all our things crossed off our "To Do list,and only 3 sleeps left until we leave!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

This is the child for which I have prayed and God granted me the desires of my heart. 1 Sam.1; 27

We heard today that our visa apt. is going to be on Jan. 29th. We bought our airline tickets and we leave in 10 days!!!! Jan.24 we come home on Feb.2 , I cant believe it is really happening!!!! We are so excited to think that in just a few days we will be with a baby girl. Children's Hope told us today that we will be able to stay at the orphanage in the guest house while we are there. The transition might be hard on her. We are praying that God will knit our hearts together and she will ajust quickly. We got 3 new pictures on Monday, she looks more grown up already. Lots of excitement in the Johnson home today, with LOTS to do to get ready. God has truly Blessed us more than we could ever imagined!!!

The Johnson's News

October 28, 2008...We have been matched up with a beautiful baby girl, Bethlehem.